Coop improvements

Coop improvements

Over the past couple of weeks, we've significantly improved both of our bird coops.

The first order of business was automatic doors - for the past few years, I've been a big fan of the Omlet automatic chicken door. We first bought it in SC and had it on our last coop - I removed it before we moved and recently re-installed it on the 8x8 coop. I had it hardwired in SC but have it running on batteries now until I run power to both coops. It can be programmed for delayed open/close based on light level. It's been reliable for 2+ years.

We plan on using the smaller coop for geese/the larger birds. They had trouble getting in and out of the smaller opening of the omlet door, so we purchased an Ador2 turkey door, a larger version of the long available Ador1 automatic door, for it. It runs on a 6V battery (can be hardwired to mains) and opens at daylight/closes at sunset. I'd like some more flexibility in when it opens/closes - fortunately it has relay contacts to control on your own. I'll tie it into home assistant once we have power at the coops. It is simple and well built.

Today, I cut and framed a couple of windows. I sandwhiched lexan between trim built from mitered 1x4s and a basic 2x4 frame. These fit between the 16" OC studs perfectly - I cut holes in the siding with an oscillating tool and circular saw then slid the windows in and secured them to the studs from the inside.

Windows in progress
One window on smaller coop - ran out of materials for the matching one on the right

We spent most of yesterday working on the smaller of our two coops.

I cut the bottom few feet of the coop next to the new door to make room for some nesting boxes. I built a platform 18" extended past the coop and framed up the siding/roof.

Platform being built

Birds and birdsmouth cuts
Almost final product

We ran out of time before rain hit to finish the new mini-roof but I got tarpaper on it to protect it in the interim. We painted trim for both coops but have yet to hang it - next weekend's project!